No way is it November and I haven't written here since May! How can it be? Life is so very odd that time goes by like the River and if we don't pay attention every second 5,000 gallons stream by in the blink of an eye.
It's Fall flowing into Winter on the Metolius River in very quiet Camp Sherman, Oregon. Still green, of course, since pines are the predominate flora. Fall needles are down...yes, Virginia, pine trees though evergreen, do throw off an AMAZING volume of 'leaves'. The morning temps are well below freezing and a fog rolls off the stream in an eerie manner, invoking images of fairies playing just beyond our eyesight. Magic.
Not many, save locals, get to experience this time of the year here. Wood ducks on the River, fish slowing their feeding rate to match the pace of the Basin. So very quiet that if you hold still only the wind and the water over rocks in the river can be heard. It's Fall flowing into Winter on the Metolius River. Magic.
A place of reflection on matters large and small of any nature whatsoever, but some times focused on the Metolius River Basin, Central Oregon.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
SB 30 ... Revisited, again
Well, the Senate isn't done with SB 30 as we had thought. The bill was gutted, then restored and faces a possible floor vote this week. It's gonna be a coin toss, on what should be a 'no brainer'.
WILL bringing in new development of the size and scope contemplated by developers Lungren and Colson cause harm to the fragile Metolius Basin? Thought THAT was the issue.
But the Bend bulletin says it's the cabins that are the threat. Of course, if there WERE any evidence that the cabins were polluting the stream with leaky septics (and there IS NO such evidence), then that issue needs attention, as well. But let's not let the B-Bulletin or anyone else distract us. The Colson project is HUGE; bigger than Black Butte, if all phases of development play out. Water for 1, maybe two golf courses, perhaps a 1,000 additional people in the Basin, or just next to it? No impact? Mitigate-able?
These are the issues. Put your head on straight and decide.
And don't tell us that the county has spoken: The county needs revenue and is in NO position to be impartial...they definitely have a serious conflict of interest. Additionally, merely holding open public meetings DOESN'T mean that justice has been served or the publics' interests have been considered; it just means that the county can put a check in a check box...'public meetings held...end of story'.
Jefferson County must be thinking: 'It's Good to be the King."
Monday, April 9, 2007
Some things change and some things SHOULD stay the same...SB 30
And now Senate Bill 30 [SB30] comes before the Oregon legislature to decide whether Jefferson County's will be allowed to open the Metolius Basin to Destination Resort development. Without passage the Metolius will certainly be developed. If passed, the Metolius Basin and a 3 mile radius will be protected from large scale destination resort developments of the type that are proposed currently, the type that will change forever this precious jewel of a River Basin.
Is this a 'slam dunk', protecting the fragile Metolius River Basin for ALL Oregonians? Hardly. Seems that legislators worry about infringing on the County's rights to make a buck selling access to the revenue source resort developers, without full regard to protecting a very special place from devastation from to too many people and not enough water to go around.
What's the outcome gonna be? Dare I say its a coin-toss? Visit to see how you might help protect an Oregon Treasure before it's too late.
Is this a 'slam dunk', protecting the fragile Metolius River Basin for ALL Oregonians? Hardly. Seems that legislators worry about infringing on the County's rights to make a buck selling access to the revenue source resort developers, without full regard to protecting a very special place from devastation from to too many people and not enough water to go around.
What's the outcome gonna be? Dare I say its a coin-toss? Visit to see how you might help protect an Oregon Treasure before it's too late.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
I Gotta Go...Badly!
It's Springtime and yesterday's near 85 degree temp has ignited the urge to be Metolius bound. I need Camp Sherman like a junkie needs a fix!
The threat of snows all but gone, I can close my eyes and imagine the sights and sounds, the very smells, of the River life. I'm here to tell you that if you haven't known the fragrance of Ponderosa Pine needles baking in the late morning sun you haven't lived. Combine this with the moist air wafting from the stream and the call of a Blue Heron as it navigates the winding river, I'm overcome with sensations and I'm left with no choice but to surrender mind & body to the magic of Metolius.
I gotta get back there and soon.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Passover Postscript, or In Haggadah-Davida, Baby
Well... this Passover family feast was memorable for who was in attendance and who wasn't. Once again, Elijah didn't show ... nor did Brian, and we all had to eat their shares. But at least one was present whom we had not expected, and it wasn't Laura. I LOVE surprises, don't you?
Jeremy baked a cake, which dispels the rumor that he doesn't even spread butter on his toast, because he considers THAT cooking. Each and everyone contributed their wares and we ate them as though we hadn't had a meal in months. Pray and eat, eat and pray, with a glass of wine or 4 before during and after. I LOVE being an honorary Jew! Hey, what's not to like?
Jeremy baked a cake, which dispels the rumor that he doesn't even spread butter on his toast, because he considers THAT cooking. Each and everyone contributed their wares and we ate them as though we hadn't had a meal in months. Pray and eat, eat and pray, with a glass of wine or 4 before during and after. I LOVE being an honorary Jew! Hey, what's not to like?
Monday, April 2, 2007
Passover in the Ponderosa's....Not!
Well, its time to celebrate the wondrous moment in time when an Angel spared the Israelites (passed over them), smote the Egyptians, proving yet again...ah.... wait... I forget what it proves. The nice thing is its a family event. Read that again... its a family event. We gather, recite the same words each year, always sounding as though we've never done it before and celebrate the uniqueness of mankind; mankind who can imagine such things and then make a feast of it. Jewish Thanksgiving.
May all that celebrate this Sedar dinner expand its meaning in an all inclusive, every widening circle of family and new friends, until anything that separates us falls away, forever. And if we can do that in the Pines someday...that would be sweet too.
May all that celebrate this Sedar dinner expand its meaning in an all inclusive, every widening circle of family and new friends, until anything that separates us falls away, forever. And if we can do that in the Pines someday...that would be sweet too.
Monday, March 19, 2007
My 'Civic Duty'
Still March...marching in the justice parade (charade). Pleased to say that wireless is nice in the Jury pre-selection room of Multnomath County...or wait, City of Portland? I have no IDEA where I am, turns out. But, I could find out, if I cared, which I don't. I did this once before; well, actually more than once, but only selected once.
Can't say my memories of the system were warm and fuzzy.
Yes, periodic reader, I was once one of the chosen people ... a panel of 12 'peers' to decide the fate of an accused drunken driver who by looks alone was not the sort you would stay next to should he find a seat open next to you on a bench in Washington Park. The prosecution made it's case (poorly) and the defense presented its witnesses, all family of the accused. We heard the evidence that was presented and withdrew to the jury room. I must have said something brilliant that resulted in my election as jury foreman, keeping my record intact of never winning anything worth having.
We deliberated deliberately and within 60 to 90 minutes any confidence I had in this system of justice was severely eroded. All in the room wanted ... what? Justice? Nope. They wanted to be home, or at the Trailblazer Game (can you imagine THAT being a priority?), or any place but considering the fate of the guy who sat facing us, looking oh so guilty ... of something.
One lady remarked that the police testimony was compelling because the police just don't lie! We all know that is true, right? I mean, she had an uncle who was a policeman and ....blah, blah, blah. What was the REAL compelling truth? That neither side presented enough of a case to convict.
What did we decide? Thats right, reader...hang 'em high...lets go get a Latte...has the second quarter started yet?
Truth - justice - the American way. Some 2 time looser is a 3 time looser now ... and we were all home in time for a late supper; but his is going to be a bit less inviting than ours, and the table conversation perhaps less stimulating.
On the brighter side, maybe I won't get picked this time. I definitely won't allow my name in the hat for foreman. Just too much responsibility and anyway, been there, done that.
Even as I type they are doing the first selection, randomly of course ... 34 'lottery winners'. Jez. I didn't get picked. I take it back. I have won something worth having ... This round.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
..and while I'm thinking about it..... Travellers
Yes, and while I'm thinking about it what of Tara J and her 'Evan doppelgänger'? Are they EVER coming home? Pugs change households and still they travel on like Haley's Comet ... and returning about as frequently. What are THEY thinking? That perhaps that if they stop dancing the world will stop spinning?
My god! Maybe they're right on intrepid travelers; the world is in your hands dance on.
....And in the begining......
As I pick up pen to write, metaphorically speaking, I'm reflecting, this visit, on the appearance of crocuses and trillium as they announce Spring, a tad early, but welcome all the same. Should global warming be inevitable we'll enjoy the ride; early Spring, warmer summers, fewer polar bears and ocean species, thickening smogs. Ah, nature ... ya gotta love it as it renews itself, humankind be damned!
Soon the cabin on the Metolius will be safe to open. Google says 63 degrees in Camp Sherman today; it ain't right, but again, welcome.
The pines and brush are beginning their growing season early too, after a 6 month slumber. Trout anxiously await the hatchings of even larger insects than those that winter offered; and the lazy river rolls on, and on and on.
Wait for me, River. I'll be there soon. Lord knows I've missed you, too. You're ever faithful, percolating from your headwaters as you do... blessed fount of life-giving-waters that please so many animals, insects and mankind. Wait for me...I'm almost there...soon, very soon now, I'll be with you.
Soon the cabin on the Metolius will be safe to open. Google says 63 degrees in Camp Sherman today; it ain't right, but again, welcome.
The pines and brush are beginning their growing season early too, after a 6 month slumber. Trout anxiously await the hatchings of even larger insects than those that winter offered; and the lazy river rolls on, and on and on.
Wait for me, River. I'll be there soon. Lord knows I've missed you, too. You're ever faithful, percolating from your headwaters as you do... blessed fount of life-giving-waters that please so many animals, insects and mankind. Wait for me...I'm almost there...soon, very soon now, I'll be with you.
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Bend in the River

Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005