Climate change is real and from what scientists are NOW saying, it's accelerating faster than originally projected. The surest proof has to be the rapid melting of the Northern Polar Ice Shelf. Other signs can be detected in changing global temp changes, most of them warmer...MUCH warmer. Lakes, streams and rivers are shrinking and/or disappearing all together. BIG problems ahead for the planet.
In my little corner of the world, the Metolius is slowing down; the cubic feet/second outflow at the springs just 1/2 mile from our cabin is noticeably slower. Bad for the fish, bad for us. For the fish the slower, more shallow water warms fast, stressing them.... cooking their eggs and they'll be fewer to hatch.
That's in store for us on Planet Earth? It doesn't look good. Nay sayers delayed our reacting to curb emissions that might have slowed the process, but we may have been doomed anyway. How can a planet that's existed for millions of years crater in such a short period of habitation by mankind? I think that mankind is the guilty party and will pay the price. Who will inherit the earth? I won't be here to witness that.