Sunday, June 12, 2016

Thoughts on "Getting it"

So it's taken a while to get there but I'm finally ready to admit that I'm the only one who "gets it".

And what does that mean, "Getting it"?  Pretty much means everything.  It means, even if you and I agree it's only be cause you agree with me that you MIGHT be getting it, temporarily.  But you don't really get it, cuz only I do.

Now I don't mean that in a harsh way; somethings are just a matter of fact.  Like you're probly thinking right now: "Wrong.  He doesn't get it" when actually, I kinda DO..  But you see I KNOW you're mistaken because I have too many personal examples of this that don't leave room from me to be mistaken.

Don't think I'm full of myself or conceited; it's not like that.  I'm fully prepared to admit what a curse it is to be the only one who "gets it".  It's lonely, but I'm learning to live with it; the first step to mental health is to admit what you know about yourself as true. that right?

You and I will look at each other now and then, with a knowing glance or a nod, now that you know what I know.  Just smile back.  We'll get as close to understanding each other as we can and not worry that we can't really understand each other... not in the same space and time.  Cuz I "get it" and you don't.

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005