Sunday, April 23, 2017

Authentic Me; Authentic You

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to live an ‘authentic life’. Books have been written, classes taught,authority claimed... and yet it’s elusive, unless of course you speak the language of authenticity. Yeah that’s right… authentic speak;it's a 'thing'. It's language widely spoken and globally misunderstood. Oh sure, we nod our heads and pretend the speaker is so wise…’I mean listen to what he/she just said? Didn’t that just blow your mind?’

Well I’m not getting it. Why? Because I like the on/off;the black/white; the right/wrong of life. It’s because of that I think that I just don’t get authentic speak. I like my life in scientific terms... there are truths we know, truths we haven’t uncovered. answers too; even truths we haven’t noticed as unknown yet. But there IS an answer to everything under the sun. Not knowing what the answer (or even the question) isn’t proof that there isn’t one correct answer for any given universe.

Don’t get me wrong; I LIKE the ‘touchy/feely’ world. But I recognize it’s not actually authentic. Hell it isn’t even real. It does feel good tho.

So. How to live authentically in a world that is 80%+ theory and 10%- validated? Step by step. Inch by inch. Day by day. Do what feels good, avoid what feels wrong. Endeavor not to harm others and ask for forgiveness unashamedly if/when you do. And smile. Smile every chance you get. You are the lucky one.

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005