Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh Yeaaaaaahhhhh!

Oh yeah, I'm up at the River and it's a bit of all right. In fact, it's amazing! It's warm (HOT even), the Metolius bubbles by at a healthy clip, making that wonderful little river sound it ALWAYS makes, soothing jangled nerves and restoring clarity of purpose.

  • I love the sounds of children of all ages at play.
  • I love renewing old friendships and making new ones.
  • I love mornings when the sun first hits Green Ridge and warms MY side of the Basin
  • I love long walks to the Camp Sherman Store that take FOREVER if I allow myself to stop and visit; and I almost always do.
  • I love arriving back from my morning walk and reading the NY Times, the Bend Bulletin, or the Nugget News on the porch before it gets too warm. Not because I care diddly squat about what's going on in the world (ok, I do...kinda); just because its so damned pleasant a thing to do before starting the 'important matters' of the day.
  • I love finally getting to 'the important matters' of the day sometime late morning or even afternoon. Important, as in goofing off, walking or sitting by the stream, going to the lake (any lake), fishing but seldom catching, reading, day dreaming ...
  • I love the late afternoon/early evening when the light gets low and the sun paints the tops of the trees with gold, leaving marvelous shadows everywhere else.

I love it all. I love the Metolius. But shhhhhhh ... keep it quiet. Or everybody and their DOG will be here. Well, ok;  they can come too.

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005