Sunday, December 14, 2014

On 'To thine ownself be true...' or at least do no harm

People I have known and continue to know have advice for others about how one might have lived their life 'fuller' or 'more honestly' and with greater love.  And as we examine the lives of the advisor, but NOT under any microscope, we think to our selves... 'physician, heal thy self'.

I suppose, tho, that it's unrealistic for us to take advice only from people who are well and healthy, mind and/or body...  for we'd search forever for THAT physician.

What then, to expect of those who would offer advice about our individual life predicaments?  Compassion, I might suspect.  Empathy, surely.  And understanding of why we might make the choices we make... even should some of these choices appear to be 'safe' and even dishonest.

Perspective is everything.

But don't stop talking...  For god's sake don't stop the dialogue.

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005