Monday, January 16, 2023

I have children....

 Once upon a time I used to have a follower who now NEVER comments.  Not just on my posts.  She doesn't seem to respond to anyone's posts.  Probly wise since I understand anything written in the 'cloud' lives forever.

I think about my oldest child often, though it's been many years since we've spoken.  I think she thinks I know why we don't speak, but honestly I'm not so sure anymore.  I just know I miss her.  Think about her daily.  Want hugs again.  Find it so sad to be wondering 'Have I had my last hug?'.

Daily someone older and someone younger than me that I have known dies.  I'm already almost 10 years older than my dad ever got to be and 20 more than my mother did, either.  I've been in touch with my own mortality for a long time.  I'm an aging diabetic with high blood pressure.  What are my chances, right?  

I'm still here though.  For now.

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005