Friday, November 14, 2008

Pull're under arrest!

If you've ever approached Camp Sherman at more than 20 MPH then you've probably met Sheriff Dave. Dave has been known to give pre-teen Bicyclers a warning for riding without helmets (with his hand on his holster...for effect), all in an effort to keep our special basin free of 'lawlessness'.

God Bless you Dave...but I'm the real offender. It's been a year since my last post here and I should be arrested. In fact, you'd think I HAD been locked up all this time for failure to post...a blogger capital crime. What can I say? Life gets in the way...reading other peoples' blogs gets in the way. So much to do, so little time.

Well...the cabin is locked up for the winter...which doesn't mean we CAN'T return before just makes it a little harder. I hate missing snow fall on the Metolius, the fog lifting off the river...and how much like daylight it is when the snow blanket is down and the moon is full; it's better than daylight.

I hold that place in my head and in my heart when I can't be there. Do you have a place like that, constant reader?

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005