Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Winter Settles In...

It's cold up there on the river...Colder than a well digger's .... well, you get my drift. It's damned cold.

But that's as it should be, right? It's winter in the Cascades, and on the east side the pines will soon have their periodic dusting of snow. The visitors to the Basin will be few and far between, so the locals finally have it all largely to themselves.

The locals...huh...we that have been going up there 20 years or more kind of think WE are locals,'s 1st in our hearts and a second home for a large number of us. We could not love it any more were we there year round. We ARE Camp Sherman-tonians, or whatever; and we hold our breath till we can return for spring-summer-fall.

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Bend in the River

Bend in the River
Metolius River very near its Source - Fall 2005